
Topcat cartoon
Topcat cartoon

topcat cartoon

Randwulf from Fort Scott, Kansas on November 23, 2011: I'm sure you had a whale of a writing this hub, pondering over childhood memories and a lot more.

topcat cartoon

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.voted up and awesome. When my 6 year old gets up for school.6:30 AM she always wants to watch Tom and Jerry on tv.it amazes me that the same cartoons I watched are enjoyed by her as well. Lots of the characters you listed are favorites.but I think the top three for me would be.The Flintstones, The Jetsons and Tom and Jerry.


I think the first time it hit me was when I heard the Flintstones was actually a primetime tv show. I am amazed that I was watching reruns back then.at the time I did not even understand the concept of reruns. I loved this hub.it took me back to the days that I watched cartoons all the time as a kid. UltimateMovieRankings from Virginia on August 24, 2012: One guy said " I go everywhere, I do everything, but, I still don't have any fun." Who was that cartoon depicting.


I was thinking about the older cartoons, black and white, that had caricatures of movie stars. Now this is what you call digging into the archive, Awesome Hub written. Sinclair Miller III from Florida on January 27, 2013: And in this case thanks for having both parts in one place. Thanks for the list it was fun reading through it. Half the fun is knowing everyone of these cartoons. PaigSr from State of Confusion on October 21, 2014: Hi chris and marla that frog you are looking for was on a saturday morning kid show called andys gang andy divine who was the guy on the show who would sit doown and open up his big book and start storys.but when a guy would come out he looked like a waiter with a thin mostache,andy would say something like plag your magic wand froggy,then the frog would pop up from a grandfather clock in a puff of smoke and start dancing around and say hi yi kids hi yi.and with the guy talking to andy,the frog would goof on the guy.wow i had to dig deep for that one.saturday morning cartoons in the 50 and 60,s the best

topcat cartoon

Our advice for this one? Throw it out with the kitty litter.Does anyone remember some characters called, Snoop & Snazel? I seem to think they were with Quickdraw McGraw. The technical ineptitude is staggering, it looks too crude even for a small screen cheapo Saturday morning cartoon. It's perhaps the most un-dynamic, inert animated movie in years. Director Alberto Mar navigates through the film with static shot after static shot. There's a cheap and tacky feel to the venture thanks to some unsophisticated Flash animation and a lack of visual inventiveness. Top Cat and crew just don't look at home in their environments. There's no real feeling of depth when it's all dimensionalised, just the appearance of separate planes layered up on top of each other. The traditional 2D character animation is melded with a more modern CG approach for background scenery and props, but this doesn't lend itself naturally to the stereoscopic process. It's a joke that's not funny and a moment that allows the filmmakers to burn through a few seconds without doing any actual animation.Īlongside its complete dearth of gags, Top Cat suffers from a dreadful 3D conversion. Perhaps the scene that epitomises the movie most is when the screen is cast into complete darkness as the characters experience an eclipse and continue to talk over black. Voice actor Jason Harris gives his all portraying six characters, but he's working with a ropey script that's about as funny as hocking up a hair ball. There's romance for TC and feline Trixie during the course of the film, but it's secondary to the alley cats' hijinks and their painful slapstick comedy. TC gets thrown into a prison for dogs after being wrongly accused of stealing from an orphanage, leaving his con artist gang rudderless as the technology-obsessed Strickland dispatches robots across the city to maintain an iron fist rule. The story finds Top Cat and his pals Benny, Fancy-Fancy, Choo-Choo, Spook and Brain under threat when Officer Dibble is overlooked for the new police chief role and the megalomaniacal Lou Strickland is installed in his place. Something might have gotten lost in translation, but we suspect this wasn't very good in the first place. Proof that sometimes it's not worth pursuing pangs of nostalgia, this Argentinean-Mexican co-financed jaunt flatlines from minute one and is barely able to raise a laugh throughout its entire running time. Hanna-Barbera's classic cartoon character Top Cat makes a long-awaited return to the big screen this week, getting a 3D makeover and an English dub from its original Spanish-language production.

Topcat cartoon